Learning to Play – Step 2 Adding in the Embellishments

Written on March 9th, 2013


This digital eBook will give you the knowledge and skills needed to take the next step towards learning how to play bagpipe music.

You will first learn why we use technical movements in bagpipe music and then learn how to practice the technical movements and the technical exercises.

Finally, you will learn how to play each of the movements that we use is bagpipe music – understanding:

  • How to play the movement itself,
  • The correct sound of the movement, and
  • How the movement is played in relation to the beat.

To practice these technical movements, you will learn to play some simple technical exercises.   This will allow you to perfect your ability to play each technical movement with the correct fingering and sound.  Additionally, this will also allow you to perfect your ability to play each technical movement on the beat.

In our Learning to Play – Step 3 Refining the Embellishments, you will expand on this and now learn how to play all of the technical movements from the other notes in the scale.

The table of contents outlines the specific subjects covered in this eBook.


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Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns – E Book