Information for Teachers
We ask bagpipe teachers who are considering using our educational materials, to take a moment to read the information provided on this curriculum in the drop down menu “Products” – under “Tutor Books”.
If you decide that you would like to use our educational materials, you must be willing to sign a Teacher’s Agreement with Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns that states:
- The Teacher will not copy or re-distribute any of this material (in whole or in part) without the express prior written consent of Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns
- If the Teacher chooses to resell the books to his/her students, that:
- The transactions does not involve Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns
- The Teacher will not exceed the suggested retail price for all educational materials
- Any profit or loss will be retained by, or the sole responsibility of the Teacher (as applicable)
Once the Teacher’s Agreement has been completed, the teacher will be required to purchase a minimum of ten tutor books (any combination of volumes) – to establish a credit history and show that the teacher has a volume of students.
Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns will sell the educational materials to the teacher at a discounted price. The teacher is then authorized to resell these educational materials to their students. Once the initial order of a minimum of ten tutor books has been ordered and paid for, the teacher may purchase subsequent books in any quantity.
Teachers that have decided to use these educational materials and agree to the terms above, will need to contact Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns to obtain a copy of:
- The Teacher’s Agreement Form
- The current price list for tutor books
Light Music Teacher’s Guide:
We can also offer you a free comprehensive teaching guide that will help every teacher get the best results when teaching from the Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns Instructional Series for Light Music.
The guide includes:
- An overview of the teaching program
- Concepts that you can use when teaching from this curriculum
- Strategies that can be adopted when working with your students
- Information to help you understand how to determine when a student has “met the standard”
- Tips on how to keep a student progressing and moving forward
Additionally, for each volume, the guide will help you to understand:
- The end result that your student should be able to achieve when they complete that volume
- Those subjects that are knowledge based and those that are practical in nature and how to teach each type of subject
- The recommended teaching plan to use when teaching the material contained in that applicable volume