Competing in Grade 5

Written on March 27th, 2013


This digital eBook will teach you (conceptually) how to play and express a competition style 2/4 quick march.

As a performance goal, you will prepare you so that you are capable of competing in a Grade 5 solo contest.  The performance requirement in this grade level is typically one two-parted 2/4 quick march, so you will be given some examples of music that is suitable to use for competition at this grade level.  You will be required to select one tune from the group and prepare it to a competition level (even though you may decide not to compete at this time).

Finally, you will learn (in detail) the in’s and out’s of competing in a solo piping contest.

The table of contents outlines the specific subjects covered in this eBook.

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Bagpipe Solutions by John Cairns – E Book